The ART of Layering Skincare

The ART of Layering Skincare

The art of layering skincare is all about applying your products in the right order to maximize their benefits. Here are some tips for layering your skincare:

Start with a clean canvas: Make sure your face is clean and dry before you start applying your skincare products.

Apply products in order of thickness: Start with the thinnest products and work your way up to the thickest. This will help ensure that each product is absorbed properly.

Use water-based products before oil-based products: Water-based products, such as toners and serums, should be applied before oil-based products, such as moisturizers and facial oils.

Wait a few minutes between layers: Allow each product to fully absorb before applying the next one. This will help prevent pilling and ensure that each product is fully absorbed.

Be mindful of active ingredients: If you're using products with active ingredients, such as retinol or acids, be careful not to layer them in a way that could cause irritation or dryness.

Don't forget sunscreen: Sunscreen should be the last step in your skincare routine, applied after moisturizer and before makeup.

Here's a general order to follow for layering your skincare products:

  1. Cleanser
  2. Toner
  3. Serum or treatment
  4. Eye cream
  5. Moisturizer
  6. Facial oil
  7. Sunscreen

Remember, everyone's skin is different, so you may need to adjust your skincare routine to suit your specific needs. Pay attention to how your skin reacts to different products and adjust your routine accordingly.

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